
+Music Concerts

The Music Department’s upcoming major concert series will take place in Term Two.  They will be structured around the school’s theme of Plus.  Utilising this intriguing and somewhat enigmatic concept, the department will launch a four-concert series that will have….well, several pluses.  Three secondary concerts, +Music 1, +Music 2 and +Music 4, along with +Music 3, exclusively for primary students, will all take place in the comfort of the auditorium in the H R Stevens Music Centre.  Come to one, come to two, but of course it would be a real plus if you were to attend them all.  So, book your seats and come along and see what all the plus is about. 

Session times: 
+MUSIC 1 - Tuesday 16 May 7:30pm
+MUSIC 2 - Monday 22 May 7:30pm
+MUSIC 3 - Wednesday 21 June 6:30pm
+MUSIC 4 - Monday 26 June 7:30pm

H R Stevens Music Centre, Keilor East campus

Please purchase tickets from our events page.